There’s a lot of fields to fill out when ordering your smart cards, but making sure you do this correctly will ensure they cards work with your current card system. This section will help you understand the various fields and options so you can confidently order smart cards.
Ordering iCLASS Cards
If you plan to order iCLASS smart cards, clamshell cards, or key tags, use this ordering guide to understand your options and select the correct type of card and encoding that you need.
Ordering iCLASS SE Cards
If you plan to order iCLASS SE smart cards, clamshell cards, or key tags, use this ordering guide to understand your options and select the correct type of card and encoding that you need.
Ordering iCLASS Seos Cards
If you plan to order iCLASS Seos smart cards, use this ordering guide to understand your options and select the correct type of card and encoding that you need.