
The Complete ID
Printer Buyer's Guide

This guide walks you through all the important considerations you'll need to know when selecting an ID card printer.

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Nonprofit ID Cards

Nonprofit ID Cards

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ID Badges for Businesses & Organizations

AlphaCard has long served nonprofits and charitable organizations in the U.S. and abroad. We take great pride in our ability to help these organizations launch effective ID card solutions that aid their day-to-day operations. Whether it’s producing photo IDs for employees and volunteers, or creating ID programs for citizens in regions recovering from natural disasters, these groups put their faith in AlphaCard, and we work hard to ensure they get the perfect ID card solution for their specific needs.

We’ve Worked With

  • Disaster-relief Agencies
  • NGOs
  • Foundations
  • Charities
  • Membership Organizations
  • Museums

How do Nonprofits use ID Card Systems?

Staff IDProper identification in a nonprofit setting is a key component of maintaining secure operations, particularly visual identification. ID cards can be worn by nonprofit employees at all times as well as by temp workers. Typically, ID cards are worn on badge reels or lanyards by the employee and should be highly visible to program directors and building security personnel.
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Volunteer ID CardsVolunteers make up the vast majority of nonprofit workers. Because there can be such a high number of volunteers, it is crucial to arm them with photo ID badges or at least information IDs that contain their name, purpose or position, and ID number if available. These volunteer ID cards should be visible at all times, and be noticeable to onlookers, staff, and anyone who is served by the nonprofit.
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Visitor BadgesIt’s quite common for nonprofit organizations to issue visitor ID badges to guests as a way to ensure everyone entering the building is properly identified. Typically, visitors will first register at the reception area and obtain a visitor badge before gaining access to certain areas of a facility or to tour the nonprofit. A perfect example of this is a person entering the building for a job interview. This method prevents potentially dangerous intruders from freely roaming company buildings. One of the best ways to increase the level of security in a nonprofit organization is to establish an effective visitor management system, and ID cards are a vital part of this process.
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Multifunctional & Smart CardsNonprofit or charitable ID cards serve a much greater purpose other than simple photo identification. Many NGOs, museums, pet adoption agencies, and other organizations are utilizing data storage technologies (e.g. barcodes & magnetic stripe cards) to keep important data of their employees & volunteers such as their status, position, and the date they started working. Additionally, Smart cards have become a common type of technology employed by non-for-profits and can be used as access control cards. The possibilities are endless when it comes to data storage.
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Access ControlYou’ll find that numerous organizations heavily rely on access control cards to ensure only authorized individuals have the ability to enter certain areas of a building or zone. These are usually nonprofit employees, volunteers, directors, and security personnel. An access control card is a sure-fire way to prevent unauthorized persons such as intruders from gaining access to restricted areas and compromising security.
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Holiday / Thank You TagsBecause nonprofits generate income through their donors, showing appreciation for their contribution helps solidify their commitment to the organization’s cause. One of the many unique aspects of ID cards is that they work wonderfully as holiday and thank-you cards (typically referred to as greeting tags). These cards can be personalized for the holidays, especially during Christmas and sent out to donors as a way to thank them for their contribution.
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Membership CardsNonprofit organizations often issue membership cards to their donor base to allow them to gain access to charitable events such as luncheons and speaking engagements. Membership cards often list information such as how long the cardholder has been a member; the date the card was issued; the expiration date; and any other notable information such as membership benefits.
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Learn More About Nonprofit ID Badges

Non-profit groups can count on AlphaCard for complete photo ID solutions fit for any application, regardless of size or scope. Each of our all-in-one ID card systems includes a professional card printer, user-friendly badge design software, and a healthy stock of printing supplies, making it easy to launch a fully functioning card program right out of the box. If you’re involved in a non-profit group that requires a professional ID card solution, please give us a call at (800) 717-8080. Our system experts will go over all available options, helping you narrow down your search for the ideal card-printing solution.