Do you want to protect your cards and make them last longer, reducing the time, effort, and money you put into replacing damaged cards? Consider adding badge holders to your card program – these popular ID card accessories work with cards of every type.
ID Card Badge Holders
Badge holders come in a wide range of styles, allowing you to find the one that works best for your card program. Holder options include:
- Locking holders, to keep your cards securely inside the holder
- Clip on holders
- Slot punched holders to attach to lanyards or strap clips
- Rigid holders to prevent cards from bending
- Multi-card holders
And much more!
Why Use Badge Holders?
Although ID cards are made from durable PVC or PVC/Poly pastics, they can still bend or twist too far and snap the card in half. They can also be scratched, damaging the card design. A holder provides a layer of protection for your cards, so they will last longer.