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Zebra Badge Printer for College and University IDs

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Zebra Badge Printer for College and University IDs


No longer serving simply as photo identification cards, student IDs are now used for a wide range of applications. This change is due primarily to new technology and heightened concerns over school security. Multifunctional student ID cards provide users with added convenience and a stronger sense of security. Zebra Eltron ID card printers are equipped to meet the unique needs of schools issuing students IDs, be they basic IDs or sophisticated multifunctional cards.

Consider some of the features incorporated into today’s student IDs. Magnetic stripe encoding is commonly used to make ID cards applicable to student meal plans, the library checkout process, and even financial transactions, such as paying for photo copies, or snacks at the nearest on-campus convenience store. Many schools even have points programs in place that allow students and parents to deposit funds onto accounts linked to their student IDs, thus providing debit card-like functionality. These programs are commonly linked to campus-run businesses, though many are now expanding their reach to off campus shops, restaurants, theaters, and more.

Another security feature that schools are starting to employ is the use of proximity card technology to control access to student dorms. This allows a campus to keep its dormitories locked at all times so that only authorized students are granted access to their individual dorms.

Zebra Eltron ID card printers are utilized by many colleges and universities as well as high schools and middle schools. The Zebra Eltron product line includes a range of ID card printers from value models for smaller runs, to highly advanced and powerful systems for large-volume print jobs. Zebra printers are known for their reliability, ease of use, and flexibility with a bevy of encoding options for multifunctional cards. They’re also equipped with a number of unique features which benefit those issuing student IDs. The image counter, for instance, updates the user on exactly how many cards can still be printed on an individual ribbon, while the automatic driver configuration reduces operator error by automatically configuring the print head for optimal print quality. There’s no guessing involved.

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Not sure how to choose
an ID card printer?

  1. Approximately how many cards will you
    print per year?
  1. Do you need to automatically print on
    both sides of the card?
  1. Do you need a magnetic stripe?

The Complete Card
Printer Buyer's Guide

With such a wide range of ID printers, evaluating the options can be overwhelming. This FREE 7-step guide will walk you through choosing the perfect card printer.


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