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If it's time to get rid of your old ID card printer, AlphaCard hopes you'll support our efforts for safe, responsible printer disposal. There are great options to trade-in your printer for a newer model, or to at least recycle it with a reputable eWaste resource. It's not only the right thing to do, but you'll avoid potential fines or other consequences if your caught dumping your printer in the wrong place.


AlphaCard is a trusted and responsible reseller of photo ID solutions that includes desktop printers that print ID cards. We are committed to supporting eco-friendly, green practices that help preserve our earth’s environment. AlphaCard encourages the responsible disposal of badge printers when the time comes to part ways with your equipment.


Because of ever-advancing technology and business needs, it’s typical for most businesses to upgrade to a new badge machine every 3 to 5 years. In fact, many newer printer technologies utilize better energy usage, greener supply components, plus enhanced card security features and other card production conveniences. Take advantage of our trade-in offers and the manufacturer will handle the recycling of your old printer for you, while you save money on a new upgrade!


Our customers have asked, “Where can I find a place to recycle an old printer? There are likely multiple locations to recycle printers by state, just be sure to understand the universal waste and hazardous waste laws by location.

It's important to receive certificates of recycling and certificates of destruction so you know your information has been disposed of in an ethical and secure way. If you do not receive these certificates, it’s likely these items are not being disposed of properly and have a chance of being thrown into a landfill. Besides the negative impact to the environment, items not intended for landfills may be found by the DNR or other agencies in your state. Serial numbers on the items can be traced back to your organization and fines may be issued. Having proper certificates means your company will not be held liable in the event the recycling company didn’t adhere to the law – but they will.

Here we provide one resource per state that will take a retired printer*.

Alabama: All Green Recycling Louisiana: Capital Area Corporate Recycling Center Ohio: SWACO
Alaska: Total Reclaim- Alaska Maine: Maine Dept. of Environmental Protection Oklahoma: STS Electronic Recycling
Arizona: Westech Recyclers Maryland: JVS Environmental Oregon: Oregon E-Cycles
Arkansas: eSCO Processing and Recycling Massachusetts: All Green Recycling- Massachusetts Pennsylvania: JVS Environmental
California: All Green Recycling- California Michigan: Valley City Electronic Recycling Rhode Island: Full Circle Recycling
Colorado: R2 Disassembly Minnesota: Recycle Technologies South Dakota: Black Hills Works
Connecticut: Green Monster e-Cycling- West Hartford Mississippi: STS Electronic Recycling Tennessee: Sims Lifecycle Services-Tennessee
Delaware: Republic Services Missouri: All Green Recycling- Missouri Texas: All Green Recycling- Dallas, TX
Florida:  Miami Computer Recycling Montana: Yellowstone e waste solutions Vermont: SecurShred
Georgia: Premier Surplus, Inc. Nebraska: Cross Electronic Recyclers Virginia: CleanEarth
Hawaii: Mr.K’s Recycle Redemption Nevada: Nevada State Recycle Washington: DeVries Business Service
Idaho: PC Recyclers of Idaho New Hampshire: Reliable Asset Recovery, Inc. Washington D.C.: All Green Recycling
Illinois:   Recycle Technologies New Jersey: Newtech Recycling Corporate Electronics Recycling West Virginia: JVS Environmental
Indiana: Green Wave Computer Recycling New Mexico: Albuquerque Computer and Electronics Recycling Co. Wisconsin: Recycle Technologies
Iowa: Midwest Electronic Recovery New York: All Green Recycling- New York, NY Wyoming: PC Disposal
Kansas: Secure e-cycle North Carolina: Powerhouse Recycling  
Kentucky: Lexington Electronic Recycling North Dakota: ND E-waste electronics recycling  

*It is the disposer’s responsibility to ensure the recycling center follow’s ethical and legal methods for disposing and refurbishing items.

Let Us Help
If you have further questions regarding printer trade-in or recycling, or need additional assistance finding resources, please give us a call at 800-717-8080 x2. You can also contact us via email at
