Depending on your sense of humor, a bad ID photo can be cause for great hilarity or pure unbridled embarrassment. We’re going to safely assume most people prefer to look good in their ID photos. After all, an ID photo is something that will likely be seen every single day. There’s nothing worse than having a permanent reminder of a less-than-photogenic moment. So how do you go about making sure your subjects are photographed in the most flattering manner?

A good-quality camera helps. Most of the ID card systems you’ll find at include a digital camera that’s formatted to meet the specific requirements of professional ID card printing. The camera can be set at the proper resolution and image size, so it’s easy to import straight into your card design. Just about any digital camera will work of course. But you want to make sure the camera can capture high-quality images for easy identification.
Lighting and location are the most important factors in how your ID pictures turn out. For location, you’ll want a basic backdrop. Remember these are mug shots, not vacation photos. The background should be plain so those faces pop off the card. Alpha Card sells portable, single-color backdrops on stands that are perfect for ensuring clean, simple backgrounds that won’t distract the eye. It’s also very important that you’re shooting in a well-lit location. You’ll want to avoid direct flash because it’s extremely unflattering. Using existing lights, or properly positioned strobes, you can achieve nice soft lighting to make your subjects look their best.
A tripod is another important part of your photography setup. With a tripod you can avoid camera shake which can render your photos blurry and unusable. Tripods really help in making sure your final images are crisp and clear.
In the end, a good ID photo not only makes the cardholder happy, but it also makes your ID program more effective.