For companies looking to hire a new employee, the process is often the same. First the resumes, then the interviews and narrowing down of the potential candidates. The last step could possibly be the most important one – the background check – companies have traditionally turned to internet databases that can either show the potential employee as nothing but hireable or the exact opposite. Problem is, many of these online databases are incomplete, giving employers only a partial picture of the applicant’s past. Now, an Arizona-based company called CrimShield offers companies and organization a full sweep of an applicant’s background – with a twist. When the employee has been approved by CrimShield’s fine-toothed combs, they’re given a customized ID badge.

Not only does the badge show that the bearer is approved to work at their employer, but it bears the employer’s logo, as well as a customized ID number that employers can use to peruse their employee’s records in the CrimShield database. Even better – CrimShield even offers a service that allows business owners and management to send out emails to potential clients to notify them that their representatives have gone through a rigorous background check. For customers that use CrimShield-approved plumbers, yard workers, and electricians, the ID badge can be more than just a nametag, but a symbol of safety and assurance.