Student ID CardsAt universities across the country, student ID cards are taking the place of traditional paper tickets. Using a database with student information, ID cards as tickets make it easier to see how many students are attending games and fairly handing out tickets when demand exceeds available seats.

At universities where sporting events are popular, there may be twice as many students requesting tickets as there is space. A lottery system, like the one in place at the University of Alabama, allow students reserve tickets or trade them if they cannot attend the game. If a student has a ticket but does not attend, a 1.5 point penalty is added to the account; once the student has 3 penalty points, post-season tickets and next season tickets are no longer available.

Other lottery systems, like the one at Villanova University, reward loyal fans. Signing up for the lottery and not winning a ticket gets students 30 points. If students win the ticket lottery and attend the game, they also get 30 points. Students who win tickets but do not attend the game lose 40 points. More points increase the chances of winning, allowing the school to keep an active fan base at sporting events.

Using barcodes and handheld scanners, staff members can easily verify a student’s attendance. These systems allow universities to access a student database and ID cards already in place, along with streamlining the process of attending events for staff and students.

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