Although you might not think so, making sure you handle your blank card stock properly is just as important as taking care of your printer. Taking proper precautions when handling card stock will ensure efficient printing and a high-quality end product that is free from scratches, streaking, discoloration, or fingerprints. Here are a few simple steps for card stock care:

Before printing, handle ID cards only by their edges or use gloves to protect your print quality. This will help prevent fingerprints and other imperfections.

Keep cards in the case they came in, or in an air-and-watertight container.

Before feeding cards into the printer or placing them into the card hopper, inspect them for dust or debris. Keep a dust cloth handy for cleaning as needed.

Store blank card stock in a temperature controlled area.

To see the difference between improperly handled cards and properly handled cards, check out our Card Stock Care guide.