Drury University has installed new card readers in four campus buildings to increase security while granting students 24-hour access. Students can now use facilities such as the school’s music building and fitness center all hours of the day and night without having to worry about intruders gaining access.

In the past, the only way students could enter the buildings after hours was to call security. This arduous process took forever and put everyone out of their way. Another issue that arose was people would leave the doors open to avoid having to repeatedly contact security. This created a bigger problem, as anyone could sneak into the buildings whenever they wanted to. With the new system, students can use their university ID cards to gain access, and security has the ability to lock the outside doors electronically. Besides the four recently-activated buildings, the school had previously installed card readers in 15 other campus facilities.
Read more in the Drury Mirror
Learn more about student ID cards for access control