Fire departments have what’s known as accountability systems to track everyone’s safety and ensure that each firefighter returns from any structure where he or she enters.  Accountability tags are issued and given to a safety officer prior to a firefighter entering a building or other parcel of property to make sure they’re accounted for.

Once out, the firefighter then collects his or her accountability tag, which also then proves they evacuated safely.    Accountability tags can be customized for all fire departments’ needs, and are typically made of plastic for easy handling.   They can also be color coded to identify the role of the firefighter — for example, if the individual is an interior or an exterior firefighter.  Interior firefighters are trained with a different set of tools than exterior firefighters are to be able to successfully put out a fire indoors.

Our well-stocked supply of 3-up tags make excellent accountability tags for fire departments. Take a close look at what our 3-up key tags offer.  These 1.100″ x 2.125″ tags come with pre-punched holes and are made with graphic-quality PVC plastic.